Hola, iam Collin Guzman, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

Should I Pick Rock, Paper Or Scissors? [Solved]

Because scissors is the statistically least often thrown move, and because rock is the most often thrown move, paper is the best way to go. Paper will beat rock, which is the most commonly thrown move. Scissors can beat paper, but because it’s the least often thrown move the chances of losing are much less likely.

Katzenjammer - Rock, Paper, Scissors

Katzenjammer –

The Only 100% Winning Strategy for Rock, Paper, Scissors

Each of us has played this game at least once:

Winning at Rock Paper Scissors - Numberphile

Art and animation by Pete McPartlan Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/numberphile NUMBERPHILE Website: …